Thursday, February 17, 2011

King Henry's Snack System

 How the King Henry's Snack System can Maximize your profits....

Our product line is not just a random collection from various vendors. Its a carefully designed system focused on quality,
consistency, national brand identity, effective use of retail space, and most of all, rack placment, set-up and maintenance
to ensure adequate stock and maximum product turn..

We welcome you to compare our King Henry product line with any other candy or meat snack line. King
Henry's snack system was developed the hard way by implementing it in test markets, and revising the elements
until they worked

Retailers love our national brand and for the small amount our racks use, we can be one of the highest and most
profitable areas per square foot in a location.The King Henry's Snack System has racks organized in many different
sizes and shapes. This allows each customer to have a rack that is personalized and a schematic that is tailored to their
own clients.

In summery, the best thing about distributing or retailing the King Henry's snack is that we have done all of the
development work, resulting in higher quality and larger varieties of snacks. Our product line consists of candies,
nuts, trail mixes, toys, meat snacks and specialty snack items. We would like the opportunity to show you the
advantage of having our service and product line for your customers. Please Call or fax us today to get started
with your very own King Henry's Snack System... 

 If you would like more information on how to obtain our product
Please feel free to give us a call @ 714-794-7630 or you can email
us at

Thanks for your interest in 24/7 distribution Inc.

1 comment:

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